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Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Lyric - the end of the line - The Honeyz

All alone I wait for you
As darkness fills this room
I don't know why you ain't called

Little things you used to do
There no longer part of you
Seems you left them all behind

Well I can't believe what I'm going through
This thing it, just ain't right
Your selfish ways, how you carry on
Somethings you just can't hide

(If you want me to go) Then Say It
(Want me to stay) Then show it
(Don't be afraid) Oh don't break this heart of mine
Now's the time, If I'm right then we've come to the end of the line
So Say It
(Want me to stay) Then show it
(Don't be afraid) Oh don't break this heart of mine
Now's the time, If I'm right then we've come to the end of the line
Ooh Ooh
Oh Yeah

Seems like I can't do you right
All I do or say is wrong
All the smallest thing critisised

I deserve some damn respect
Nothing more and nothing less
Don't pretend everythings fine

Don't hold it back if its in your heart
Stand up and be a man
Can't read your mind
So I just say aloud
I'm trying to understand

(If you want me to go) Then Say It
(Want me to stay) Then show it
(Don't be afraid) Oh don't break this heart of mine
Now's the time, If I'm right then we've come to the end of the line
So Say It
(Want me to stay) Then show it
(Don't be afraid) Oh don't break this heart of mine
Now's the time, If I'm right then we've come to the end of the line

Even though you've been doing me wrong I still care
Do you think that by treating me cruel that somehow I'll disappear?
Baby I love you too much just to walk away
Don't make me hate you
Baby you've got to be

lyrics by the honeyz

lagi2 semacam cari soundtrack buat kehidupan nih.. hahaha, soalnya yg pake soundtrack kok cuman di tv aja.. hehehe

kalo aku mbaca kok semacam penggantungan masalah to..

untuk semua sahabat blogger yang sempat membaca posting saya..
saya himbau.. untuk sebisa mungkin menyelesaikan masalahnya...
karena dengan menunda pembahasan untuk menyelesaikan, lalu terlupa kalo masalah itu ada.. BUKAN BERARTI masalah uda beres..

harus berani menghadapi tiap masalah,
kita yang untung- rugi,
menyakitkan-ga sanggup menghadapai..
YAKINLAH... kalau kita bisa kuat untuk mendapat suatu kejelasan, penyelesaian....

YEEAAAHHH!!! (aku rasa aku semakin norak deh, hehahah)

sahabat blogger.. semoga berhasil dalam kehidupan kalian, dan menjadi yang lebih baik... ;)


Whienda said...

All alone I wait for you
As darkness fills my heart
I don't know why you keep silent

Do some thing for me, guys!
Little think to bigger changes..

Wualaah...yg ini namanya askom!Asal komen! Oke deh, Mbak janji sering kasih komen..sebizaku!

Anonymous said...

wah thx ya untuk semangatnya. ;))
kirain cuma lirik lagu.. ternyata ada kata bijaknya di akhir2..

Anonymous said...


wes denger Bella's Lullaby blom?

aduhhhhhh huh huh huh
unspokenable dech

オテモヤン said...
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